Convention dates: September 3rd & 4th 2005
Location:Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA
Agenda for convention Day 1 : SSKNA Convention 2005 on September 3rd
The SSKNA Convention meeting will commence on September 3rd Saturday at 3 pm � Mega Hall Conference Room,
3rd floor, Shifali Restaurant: Atlantic City �Days Inn Absecon, NJ
Venue Address:
Shifali Restaurant: Atlantic City-Days Inn Absecon
224 E, Whitehorse Pike Absecon, New Jersey 08201 United States
Phone: 609-652-2200 / 800-329-7466
Agenda for convention Day 2: SSKNA Convention 2005 on September 4th
SSKNA Picnic @: Cape May County Park
All SSKNA families will get-together at 11:00 A.M. at CapeMay County Park - Picnic Area 1 (Picnic Shed no. 1), Cape May, NJ
Picnic Spot Address:
Cape May County Park & Zoo
4 Moore Rd, Cape May Court House NJ, 08210
Phone: 609-465-5271
The 15th annual convention of SSK samaj of North America, convention started with member�s registration and member families
networking followed with lighting the lamp and offering prayers to Maa Bhavani and singing Universal peace prayers by samaj folks.
Following list of SSK families participated in the 15th annual SSKNA convention. Total members families including
children�s participated were 105.
1. Aljapur Vishnu Kanth
2. Badi Rajiv
3. Bhute Rajendra
4. Billade Nilesh
5. Bobde Sudhakar & Savitha
6. Chandu Ashok Kumar
7. Chandu RajKumar & Urmila Bai
8. Chandu Shivaji & Uma Devi (Guest)
9. Chawla Ramesh & Sandhya
10. Dassu Ayaj
11. Dhondi Anil & Jayshri
12. Dhondi Vijay
13. Golconda Pentosha & Radha
14. Gorakh Anil & Kanchan
15. Gujrathi Kiran
16. Irkal Yellansa & Pushpa (Guest)
17. Jalnapure Nilesh & Ashwini
18. Jituri Mahesh & Surekha
19. Jituri Venkatesh & Pritam
20. Kabadi Ashok & Nipunika
21. Kabadi Balachandra & Kamala
22. Kabadi Dileep & Anjalee
23. Kabadi Mohan & Neeta
24. Kalburgi Anu & Ashok
25. Kartan Gangadhar & Gangaba
26. Kartan Ravi & Vasumati
27. Katwa Pravin
28. Katwa Laxmansa & Geeta
29. Khatwa Umakanth & Reshma
30. Kolhapure Kavitha
31. Kosandal Peenak
32. Kosandal Mahesh
33. Kshatriya Rajdeep
34. Miskin Pandurang & Nirmala
35. Pawar Ravindra & Rekha
36. Rings Prabhakar & Uma
37. Rings Sudhakar & Roopa
38. Solanki Padmanabha (Pappu) & Ritha
39. Vaidya Srinivas & Deepa
40. Vijay Walvekar
41. Wagle Kiran
SSKNA convention commenced with Hon. Sri. Vijay Walvekar, President, SSKNA, greeted samaj folks and presented budget for
last year (2004-2005) on behalf of Sri. Raju Bankapur, Treasurer SSKNA. He thanked all his committee members for their efforts.
Then, briefly, described the unity factor that is bonding our SSKNA samaj and wished for continual growth and harmony.
Also he announced all the elected new SSKNA executive committee member�s names as follows:
Sri. Golconda Pentosha, President
Sri. Srivinvas B, Vice-President
Sri. Narayansa Kabadi, Secretary,
Smt. Deepa Vaidya, Treasurer
Followed with short speech, Hon. Sri Walvekar invited Hon. Sri. Pentosha Golconda, President (elect) to take over as
President of SSKNA for next term. Sri.Walvekarji handed over the SSKNA official gable to Sri.Golconda Pentosha, President,
SSKNA.After the official oath taking ceremony commenced, Sri. Pentosha Golconda, took over as a President of SSKNA,
gave a short speech, visioning how our community can grow with prosperity and happiness. He has emphasizing the
need for our community youth to take initiative leadership roles in various social, cultural and individual
development activities.
Mr. Pentosha invited Mr.Ramesh Chawla on a Dias to be a master of ceremony for the SSKNA business meeting.
Business meeting commenced as scheduled.
Then, Mr. Pentosha Golconda presented his vision and discussed various his thoughts about how to
take the affairs of SSKNA at a future stage and he discussed the following:
a) Next Year Covention Details and options.
b) New Festival Celebrations.
c) Facilitate �The Best Student of the Year Awards�
d) Student of the Award �Ivy League�
e) Setting up of the SSK Youth Council
�SSKNA Youth Council (Age group 16- 25)
�SSKNA Junior Youth Council (Age group 12 � 16)
�SSKNA Cubs Council (Age group 5 -11)
f) Grooming young leaders
�Encourage our youths and kids understand our value system
�Build Leadership � Incubate Leaders
�Bring in them the entrepreneurship
g) Setting up sub-committees for various program undertakings
�SSKNA Advisory Board
�SSKNA Professional / Career Advisors
�SSKNA Mentors ( Let me help �Shine the Diamonds� )
�SSKNA Student Advisors
h) Developing and updating the website
i) Encourage our SSKNA Community families - networking all across the USA and Outside Indian Continent
j) Build One Central location Samaj Facility
k) Establish SSKNA zonal chapters - SSKNA Development Committees @ regional levels (Central, N, E, W, S)
l) Build SSKNA Bhavani & Kalabhairavnath Temple
Followed with the presentation and business meeting, there was an award distribution ceremony and the recipients of the
award were people who have devoted a lot of time for making the SSKNA over a period of time.
Mr. Pentosha thanked all the samaj people who made it to the convention, and requested the members to introduce
themselves. Also he conveyed special thanks to Sri. B.N Kabadi, Smt. Annu Kalburgi, Sri. Mahesh Jituri,
Smt. Surekha Jituri, Smt.Deepa Vaidya, Sri. Srinivas Vaidya, Sri. Narayan Kabadi, Sri. Ramesh Chawla,
Sri. Venkatesh & Smt. Pritam Jituri, Sri. Mohan Kabadi, Smt. Neeta Kabadi, Sri. Vijay Walvekar,
Sri. Nitin Barad, Sri. Sheel Walvekar and Sri. Raju Bankapur for their additional contributed time
and extra efforts with timely coordination in making this event a great success.
Then, the samaj people were asked to provide their thoughts, views and suggestions. The floor was open to comments and
discussion. Various distinguished members have provided valuable thoughts and opinions which will help our samaj
grow towards prosperity.
�A short Speech by Dr. B.N. Kabadi discussing the story book which he has published and also discussed more
progress which he has made using Flash Macromedia. The efforts he has made thru the journey in making publishing
the book successfully for our SSKNA children�s benefit. He has emphasized the need for our community�s cultural continuity.
�There was a short speech by Mr. Rajdeep Kshatriya, an MBA student from New York, conveying his thanks for the help he received from the members of the SSKNA.
�There was a discussion started by Mr. Anil Dhondi and Mr.Shrinivas Vaidya regarding the website responsibilities, there was a demand to setup a committee to look at the website affairs. Mr. Anil Dhondi also made a request to clean up the website as it its guest book was misused.
�Mrs. Anu KAlburgi made a very good suggestion that there should be volunteering at the Samaj as it is very helpful and useful for personal development of students and also it could be used by the students to show as community work as our Samaj is legally registered, Mr. BN. Kabadi thoroughly agreed and said a few words in favor.
�Mr. Mahesh Jituri asked if there was any decision about the committee for the website, and also Mrs. Anu Kalbugi requested that after the sub-committee is setup the responsibilities should be defined:
�Mr. Pentosha asked if there were any volunteers for taking up responsibility
for website team and web maintenance, people who agreed were:
1.Srinivas Vaidya
2.Rajendra Bootee
3.Ravi Katwa
4.Vijay Dhondi
6.Anil Dhondi (Super User & Webmaster)
�MR. Umakanth Katwa added that these people should meet during the break. Mr. Mahesh Jituri advised the sub-committee as to who is the leader responsible for the website Committee. And it was decided that Shrinivas Vaidya would be the in-charge for website development this year.
�Mr. Umakanth Katwa emphasised that there are many students coming in and we should have a dedicated panel to advise them on various issues. After this, there was a decision to setup a Student advisory board who will answer queries of students of our Samaj coming from India.
�The following People volunteered to guide our SSK samaj people (specially to the youths of samaj) and guide them thru Mentoring and advising careers from various fields that they excel with expertise:
Student Advisory for Medicine
i)Dr. Panduranga Miskin
ii)Dr. Umakanth Katwa
iii)Dr. Padmanabh Solanki
For Doctoral Research and PhD degrees
�Dr. Laxman Katwa: PhD
For Management
�Sri. Rajdeep Kshatriya: MBA
For Engineering
�Sri. Raj Chandu: Engineering
For Immigration and Visa information
�Sri. Peenak Kosandal PhD
IT Consulting, Business Development, Professional Careers
�Sri. Mahesh Jituri
�The new Advisory Board was also decided and the members who volunteered are:
a) Vijay Walvekar/
b) Mrs. Anu KAlburgi
�There was also Mentoring Committee for the youngsters and the Members who volunteered for the same are:
i) Dr. Laxman Katwa, PhD
ii) Dr. Pandurang Miskin
iii) Dr. Mohan Kabadi, PhD
iv) Dr. Irkal
�There was a discussion on how to get the youth our Samaj going and that there was a need to setup a youth committee.
�Mr. Vijay Walvekar volunteered and spoke about investing in the Commercial real estate and his experiences about the same.
�Then there was point raised by Mr. Vijay Walvekar (I am not Sure Who) who enquired about the Savji Samachar project and how we should go about it.
�Dr. Irkal form Hubli spoke on �how the world has changed� focusing how our community can take advantage with the changing world and shoulder to meet the challenges.
�There was a brief discussion about formation of the youth council, which was discussed briefly, and concluded that the draft for the procedures will be framed by next year and presented in consultation with advisory committees.
Mr. Ramesh Chawla as the Master of Ceremony conveyed the concluding Vote of Thanks to samaj people who made the Convention event a great success, also conveyed thanks to Mr. Pentosha Golconda, President SSKNA and his committee members who had devoted a lot of time and energy to make the convention happen at the Atlantic City, New Jersey.
Sd /-
SSKNA Committee
For SSKNA Reported by Rajdeep Kshatriya.
Courtesy of Sri. Balachandra Kabadi
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